Destiny Saucedo (she/her)

Thesis Topic: Survival and Spatial Dynamics: San Clemente Island Fox (Urocyon littoralis clementae) Pup
Mortality and Maternal Home Range

Advisor: Micaela Szykman Gunther

Undergraduate Degree/Institution: Humboldt State University - Wildlife Biology (Management and Conservation)

I was born and raised in the urban jungle of Los Angeles, California, where my early fascination
with wildlife documentaries and urban wildlife fueled my lifelong dedication to wildlife
conservation. I pursued my undergraduate studies at HSU and had the opportunity to participate
in numerous research projects involving wildlife of all taxa. Following the completion of my
degree, I accepted a role as a project manager in Sri Lanka, focusing on the elusive fishing cat
(Prionailurus viverrinus), which also led me to work in India. After returning to the states, I
began working as a biologist for the San Clemente Island Fox Monitoring, Demography,
Veterinary and Pathology Program for Institute for Wildlife Studies (IWS). Through this
position, I gained the opportunity to propose and lead a graduate study in collaboration with
IWS. My thesis consists of placing GPS collars on adult females to gather data for home range
analysis throughout different stages of their reproductive cycle, as well as collaring and
monitoring their pups to gather information on survival rates and causes of pup mortality. I hope
to contribute to management decisions needed to minimize and mitigate impacts to this
vulnerable island species. After obtaining my degree, I plan on pursuing opportunities aligned
with my specific interest, including the ecology and behavior of mammals, conservation of
endangered species, wildlife-conflict management, and conservation outreach. Outside of school
and work, I enjoy spending time outdoors, wildlife photography, playing instruments, and the
many random hobbies that I pick up along the way. I'm grateful for the opportunity to return to
where my journey began, and I'm excited to dedicate my life to protecting and conserving the
unique fauna and flora that we live among.